Sunday, 20 February 2011


Why today's books always follow a routine beats me. The first 2 chapters seem to HAVE to be about the structure of what's to come.

I always skip (or skim) them - and ENCHANTMENT is no different.

The one section I paused to read had the title: "Where should you draw the line?"

It talks about 'fake' enchantment (which is all about you) - and lists 5 questions to ask yourself to check if you're falling into that trap:

1. Are you asking them to do something you won't?

2. Do your interests conflict?

3. Have you hidden your conflicts of interest? (In other words, do you practice 'full disclosure')

4. Are you telling "noble lies"? (it's an ethics issue here!)

5. Are you enchanting gullible people? (Guy calls it immoral. I agree!)

These are questions anyone must ask themselves, in any area of life they are practicing 'enchantment', imho.

ENCHANTMENT by Guy Kawasaki ENCHANTMENT - The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions

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