Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Enchantment and Trustworthiness

And the magic begins!

Today, I read the chapter about 'Likability's twin - Trustworthiness.

And so much that Guy shares in it touched me deeply, resonated with what I already knew and believed in - and changed my mood. That's the hallmark of great writing, imho.

I especially enjoyed learning about how to be a mensch (Yiddish for an honest, fair, kind and transparent human being), and the bit that mentions 3 levels of 'giving'.

The highest kind of 'giving' is doing something for intrinsic reasons - even when the recipient cannot repay you in any way. ('Akua sabe' - the Gods know - is a new phrase I'll grow to love and share with people!)

Conceptually, other things like seeking solutions where everyone wins and the way to go about creating a rising tide that lifts all ships are appealing to anyone seeking to learn the secrets of ENCHANTMENT.

And what Guy tells about 'positioning' I've heard before in his book, "Art of the Start". In just 10 words, you describe what you are all about.

Try it. It isn't as easy as you might imagine. After many months, I came up with these mantras:

"I don't accept a child dying!"


"I write, sell ebooks, and raise funds to help under-privileged kids with heart defects live"

A bit over the recommended 10 words, but not by much :-)

If you want to learn how to be a hero, enchant people on their own terms and engender trust, read ENCHANTMENT.

Later, when you write to tell me "Thank you", I'll reply with my new favorite phrase from this book:

Don't menschion it!

(click to see what it means - to me!)

ENCHANTMENT by Guy Kawasaki ENCHANTMENT - The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions

1 comment:

  1. Great that you're learning Yiddish! :)

